What's #Stored in the #Stores of My @CBproAds #Storefront ... | @BNBuzz

I'll get to 'that directory' below the Subscribe-bar, but first ...

I feel it's more important to understand that word (hyperlinked to my favorite CBProAds-storefront) better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Stores” (a mostly-American sense of the word (British English preferring "Shops") for "Place where Goods, Supplies and/or Provisions are |Kept (possibly for Sale)") is built on ancient words that mean "to Stand Firm In" (|Restore). #Storing #Bookstore #DrugStore #InStore #Storage #Storehouse #Storekeeper #StoreRoom #Superstore #StoreBought (from earlier #StoreBoughten)

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Of the 5 main storefronts Versions available, I think I chose the one linked-above because its main image was 'a bookshelf' (therefore I subliminally dubbed it 'most like a library'; like my favorite brick-&-mortar bookstore, Barnes & Noble).

Besides the main storefront, they've given me storefronts for
Hmm ... They're obviously not 'separate stores' so-much as they're 'Divisions of One Information-Store.' But I was introduced to CBProAds through their 'storefront-affiliate-program' (or whatever they call it), where you can Get Your Own Digital Info-Product Store! https://cbproads.com/refer.asp?id=4157677
