@Cheddar explains The #TVDinner - when #Swanson (now @food_pinnacle) FREAKED. THE HECK. OUT ...

That explanation is linked through 'the main word' below. I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the first words' bases ...

The word “TV Dinner” is built on ancient words that mean Television + Dinner (since the Pre-Prepared Meals were Convenient to Eat as you Watch ... Popular, due to the same Proclivity that sells lots of Popcorn & other Snacks in Movie-Theaters). 
The word "Television" is built of Tele- & Vision (first theorized as a method for Transmitting Images via Telegraph- or Telephone-Wires ... other propose words for it were #Telephote #Televista). #Telecast #Telegenic #Telethon #Televise #Telly
The word "Dinner" is built on ancient words that mean "Undo, Do the Opposite of (Dis-) + |Fasting, going |Hungry, |Not |Partaking of Food (Jejune)" (so ... literally 'Second Breakfast'?) #DinnerTime #DinnerHour #DinnerTable #DinnerJacket #DinnerParty #DinDin #AfterDinner #Dinette #Dinnerless

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