@Scientology is a #Misnomer; @LRonHubbard should've called it "Agnosticology!"

I'll go over 'why that is' in a moment; first ...

What I show here is 'the group of words' that couch "Misnomer" (below hyperlinked to Scientology's WRONG reasoning behind that name) into your vocabulary ... deeper meanings that 'firm the foundations' upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Misnomer” is built on ancient words that mean "to Name (Nominate) Wrongly."

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Why is that interpretation of the name 'wrong'? Well, not only are 'the definitions they give' a little inaccurate; but ... well, a central pillar of L. Ron Hubbard's philosophy is 'that Psychiatry-etc. is abominable because it reduces "the human Spirit" (the meaning of the root of the syllable "Psych-") to "a set of chemical reactions within a test-tube of human flesh."

The idea (at least the one behind 'his hate of the Psych-industry') is that 'the human Spirit' CANNOT be "known"---not the way you know "1 + 1" or "the Latin names for the bones in the hand."

Of course, that goes against one of Scientology's fundamental principles---that you can know the mind, the spirit and the life. I guess that brings up 'the two kinds of "knowing."' For example: I 'know' how to sing; but I don't know how I sing (something like 'exhaling air over my vibrating vocal-cords'?)
