I Don't Even Remember Who the Slur #Spic is Referring-to ... but it's probably best to add "and #Span" whenever you Say it #LoL

'That phrase & the words in it' (below-hyperlinked to a whole list of words that sound like "slurs") is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The phrase “Spic-&-Span (also spelled #SpickAndSpan)” is built on the phrase "Spick-and-Span-New---New as a |Recently-Made Spike & Chip of Wood" (the meaning "Clean" seems to be very recent, from when Whistle Bottling Company introduced the cleaning-product of the same name (which has also been owned by Prestige Brands, Procter & Gamble, and now KIK Custom Products, Inc.) #SpicAndSpan #SpickAndSpan
The word “Spic (#Spick)” is built on ancient words that mean "|Nail (Spike ... which I mention again to remind 'myself' (i.e. the most-faithful member of my reading-audience) that I'm not talking about the Finger- or Toe-'Accessory')" (the derogatory reference to Latinos stems from the cliche-protestation No Spick (SpeakEnglish---an earlier version of the slur was #Spiggoty (for "Speak-a the"), which might also be an alteration of |Spaghetti).
The word “Span (in the 'Spic-&-Span'-context)” is built on ancient words that mean "Chip (Freshly-Cut Wood-Chips were often used to make |Spoons)." Other meanings of "Span" (Distance between Two 'Tips' (Wingtips, Tips of the Thumb & the Pinky), Multiple Animals under One Yoke, to Extend from Side-to-Side of) are built on ancient words that mean "to |Draw, Stretch, |Spin." #TimeSpan #Spanning #Spanned #Spans #WingSpan #LifeSpan

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