Units of #Esteem (The Pure Currency of Celebrities) | @Bing #Esteem #HighestEsteem (#SelfEsteem is a Good *Start* on it, but 'The Check's Not Good if the Bank-Account's Empty!)

Celebrities own a large amount of ... I'm calling it Esteem. You might also call a celebrity's esteem 'How Big a Celebrity they are'—just like we non-celebrities "count" our esteem by 'how many friends we have' or 'how many people depend on us,' celebrities count their esteem by 'how many "fans" they have (people who will pay big money just to see them perform or join in conversation with a show's host).

And producers (or directors or writers or theater-owners or ... whoever pays the celebrities) are actually buying a few moments of that esteem.

'That word' (below-hyperlinked to 'How you and I can deliver more esteem to Daralyn Kelleher') is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Esteem” is built on ancient words that mean "to |Determine the Value of, |Appraise (possibly 'one who |Cuts |Copper (i.e. Mints Money)')" (Respect, High |Regard).

Esteem-like-that is the product of a metamorphosis that often starts with Self-Esteem.

You hear about 'how important it is to have good self-esteem' ... Self-esteem is great–don't get me wrong–but I suspect that "people who employ celebrities" don't decide how much to pay them based on 'how much self-esteem they have' unless it's shown in 'how many people PAY to watch them perform.'
That factor is the reason why I use AutoSurfTraffic—Like I said, I'm sure that it's wonderful that I write about this amazing stuff in such a relatable way that it awakens more of your genius the more you read it; but people paying for advertising here aren't asking me 'how smart I can help people become,' they're asking 'how many views I get on the average post.'

And AutoSurfTraffic ... it's "real" in the sense that there actually is a real person whose real web-browser is really displaying the posts I tell them to (using credits I earn by BEING a real person whose real web-browser is really displaying fellow members' webpages), but as for actual audience-members ... I earn display-credits without even looking.

Like advertising on TV (except FREE to start), I hope to catch the audience-members' eyes in-between sections of 'the content they're paying attention-to.' (That's why most blogs only charge a few dollars per 1000-displays.)

That's why 'they' (comedians, other media-experts ... comedian—I just-now noticed that ...) often say "Facebook will always be FREE because–on Facebook–you are the product Mark Zuckerburg is selling!" Because–while you're busy keeping-up on old friends & telling them how you're doing & finding new friends–others are paying for some of the ads you see!

... That's a bit of a tangent—I'm not here to talk about 'money on The Internet'; I'm talking about Celebrities' Wealth (not money ... oh, they turn a lot of it into money; but not until they get 'their wealth' from you!)

It comes to mind because ... because I'm a little jealous of them, and it's jealousy that's a little misplaced—sorta like I'm 'jealous' of people who own cars (though I shouldn't be jealous, because ...) or -like I used to be jealous of people who can walk; I'm jealous of people who own WebCams & are in high-demand to use them to Zoom with their friends or to Broadcast to their fans.

And maybe I should be a little jealous of non-celebrities who use Zoom, but that's mainly because I don't have enough friends to warrant the spending; but The Celebrities ... they're not broadcasting; they're recorded (thanks to the producers who hire them), and The Producers broadcast them.

Through this entire 'lockdown period' (which I hope doesn't become a seasonal thing), I haven't heard any news about any specific celebrity unless a produced-broadcast (usually TV, sometimes YouTube) told me. Or I imagine I could search for "'my favorite celebrity's health-status," but I haven't done that ... and none of them have searched for mine!

Know anything else interesting about that? Comment!
