#Prophecies for 2020 (Visions, Power, Change) @CopelandNetwork #Prophecy #Prophet #Prophesy #Prophesied #Prophesying #Propesies #Prophets #FulfillingTheProphecy #ProphecyForetold
Brother Kenneth Copeland publishes 'an outline of
his conversation' (not necessarily 'a transcript' š)
with Our Father God.
During 2019, the
Lord spoke through
Kenneth Copeland
on several occasions
about the year 2020.
The following is part
of what the Lord
said. Take the time
to meditate on these
powerful words.
WhatAbout2020?āWhat about 2020? Many things
will be said about vision in 2020
because of the natural nature of
20/20 eyesight. But you and I, and
those who seek the face of God and
know the voice of Godā¦will have
vision, insight, ideas and concepts.ā
And it will be a time of the fulfilling ... of the word that was spoken in My WORD thatsaid, āThe young men and the old men shall havevisions and dreams.ā My dream, saith The LORD, isthe continued rebirth of this nation. It has alreadybegun, and it will continue. For you see, in these lastdays, I have taken over the politics of the UnitedStates. This is the only nation ever founded by apeople specifically because they loved Me and wantedto worship Me. And I have never forgotten it, and Inever will forget itā¦I am the God of this country.And it will be reported far and wide, and people willcome from far and wide, and they will say things andthey will do things that they have no idea why theysaid them or why they did them. For, in 2020 thecontinued rebirth of this nation is a surety. It is a goodthing. And you will see it come to a placeā¦that is morethan you have ever dreamed or wanted in a place. Thisis Mine. I promise you and I give you My solemn word,saith the Spirit of graceā¦.I knew what to do with the Pharaohs. And these littlepoliticians of today, ha, ha, ha, oh, they are so easyto deal with compared to the Pharaohs of old. ButI knew how to deal with them. I know how to dealwith politicians today. Oh, there are those who thinkthey know. They think theyāre doing what theyāresupposed to do, ha, ha, ha, all over the world. Oh yeah.I know them all. I understand them all. I have insightinto their thinkingā¦.You hear Me now. You understand what Iām saying.From the top of the world and all over the world,wherever thereās a government, wherever thereare people, wherever thereās voting, wherever thepeople canāt vote, Iām there. Wherever people seekMy Name, I am there. And those who donāt thinkI hear, donāt misunderstand a word Iām saying. Ihear it, and I move in behalf of it whether you thinkI do or not, or whether they think I do or not. I hearthe cries of My people. And there are certain thingsthat are taking place today that would never havetaken place had My people not prayed and criedout to Me. Oh, these are the days, saith The LORD.These are the days of mighty grace. These are thedays of wonder grace. Certain lines have beendrawn. Certain things that canāt be crossed. Certainthings that cannot be changed. Other things thatcan be and will be changed. Certain lines have beenattempted to be crossed, but they canāt because theyare established in My WORD, saith The LORD. AndI know what Iām doing.
2020The Year of New VisionsāThe LORD is revealing new visions this coming year
that will be absolutely stunning. They will include
insights, ideas and concepts that have never been
heard of before. Joel 2:28-29 (and Acts 2:16-18) tells
us, āIt shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour
out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your
daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream
dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also
upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those
days will I pour out my Spirit.āā
2020The Year of Changeand Manifested Powerā2020 will be a year of great change. Wonderful
and magnificent changes in the kingdom of God
in the earth. Changes that will come because of
insights, ideas and concepts directly from Jesus
to His Church by His mighty Spirit. Glorious
concepts of how His laws work; the laws governing
increase and financial prosperity; the laws of the
Spirit that release miracles and divine healings
and manifestations of His Almighty power on the
earth. New concepts of His love; His very person;
for He is love. Insights into the true power and
strength of His joy.
āIt will be days of political change, great victories
and great defeats. For the spiritual enemies of God
and His people shall be crushedāspirits, not flesh and
blood. But there are those on both sides of the political
divide who refuse to listen to The LORD Advocate
General of the Church. Their dreams shall be dashed,
their desires shall be wounded, and they will be
removed from their offices and replaced, some by the
ballot, some by tragedy, and some who in despair will
quit and go do something else.ā
This is My country, saith The LORD Jesus. It wasfounded by people who love Me for the sole purpose ... of their love and desire to worship Me and toworship the Almighty God, and I will never forgetthat.Change. 2020āthe Year of Change and ManifestedPower, saith The LORD.
2020The Year of Removalof PoliticiansThose politicians who refuse My call to unite andbecome the United States of America, and not justāAmerica.ā Those politicians who refuse to listen,and those politicians who continue the pathway ofhate, I will remove them from their places. I willremove their influence from the record books. Iwill remove their candle in their families. I willremove them from office and put someone in therewho will.
āWherever thereās a government, whereverthere are people, wherever thereās voting,wherever the people canāt vote, Iām there.ā
The word |Prophet| is built on words that mean ā(the God-Given Ability) |Before (Forward, in |Front of) + to Speak, Tell, Sayā (in the Christian Bible, they used a word that actually means "Soothsayer"; in the |Muslim |Quran, "Messenger (actual meaning of a title given to |Muhammad)").
Years ago, I looked at the etymology of "Prophecy" andāthough Etymonline.com does say "See Prophet" after at the end of that entryāthe root they give first is "Gift of Interpreting the Will of the Gods."
I accepted that etymology as it reaffirmed my secret wish to be a prophet ... it told me that prophecy was little-more than 'looking at the way everything is going, and making an educated guess as to "the plan that things are following."'
I read Brother Copeland's prophecy above, and remember/urge-you-to-remember that God doesn't force that future on youāthat God offers you A future, and has no control over any other future (something Christians often get 'wrong'ā
(that's how The Devil works: latching onto 'a kernal of truth' (that Choosing to Disobey puts you on a Path that leads Away from Our Heavenly Father's House) and building a complex 'Myriad Illusion' (that there must therefore be "a plan" to punish you forever in a seemingly-infinite pit of despair) on it.)
The point I was gettin`-to: The Prophecies we give are not 'predictions of the way things shall go' so-much-as 'a limited selection of Optional Paths for you to Take or Not.'
I read Brother Copeland's prophecy above, and remember/urge-you-to-remember that God doesn't force that future on youāthat God offers you A future, and has no control over any other future (something Christians often get 'wrong'ā
(that's how The Devil works: latching onto 'a kernal of truth' (that Choosing to Disobey puts you on a Path that leads Away from Our Heavenly Father's House) and building a complex 'Myriad Illusion' (that there must therefore be "a plan" to punish you forever in a seemingly-infinite pit of despair) on it.)
The point I was gettin`-to: The Prophecies we give are not 'predictions of the way things shall go' so-much-as 'a limited selection of Optional Paths for you to Take or Not.'
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