Surfing @Microsoft & @AuthorityHacker for #BookSelling #AffiliatePrograms (because I'm Not #Established-Enough for @Amazon, they Proclaim from their #HighWhiteTower) | @pixilatedGeek

I'm not a bookseller; but sometimes I mention books in my blog, and it would be nice if I could be rewarded for increasing one-or-another book's media-pull.

I did it for a few years with Amazon Associates ... not selling very many books (or other items), but increasing the items' media-pull in my little way.

Then 'all of a sudden' (and/or 'finally' ☯), they decided I wasn't sending in enough paying-customers to "qualify" for their accounting-operators' 'blood, sweat and tears.' So maybe the links I wrote in the past either don't connect anymore, or maybe they do connect but aren't paying me a referral-fee (or they are but not so much that anyone would notice 😏)

Well, I wanted a place to give me 'book-mentions that might pay.' And the top site that Microsoft found for me (linked through 'the main word' below) didn't even mention Amazon on the list!

I'll get into a few of the listed networks below the subscribe-bar; but I feel it's more important to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Established” is built on ancient words that mean Stable. #Establish #DisEstablish #ReEstablish #Establishment #Establishing #Establishes

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review of Unstable Unicorns
Not to say I'm 'unstable,' but ... I dunno, maybe something about 'how easy it is for horses to get out of my barn' ...

Anyway, the recently-best affiliate-programs that caught my attention:
