@CopelandNetwork-etc. & The Next Evolution in #GospelMinistry: #Cybervangelism (#Cyber-Evangelism) or #i-vangelism ("'i' stands for #Internet") @ChristianPost
I'm not saying 'I'm on the frontier of Cybervangelism'—KCM & other televangelism-groups have been at it for years, and I'm not even one of their top supporters! (Maybe 'Cybervangelism' is the idea that "you don't have to 'go to the Church-Building' to 'be a part of The Church'" ... some thinking about that 'on the scroll-down' (closer to the bottom of the page).)
I've just never heard 'that word' used to describe it ... other ministries use the term, but I guess it hasn't (as of March 20/2019) broken into the common lexicon.
The '-vangelism' of-course comes from "Evangelism"—the church that seeks to show the world how great it is to show the world the Good News of Christian Discipleship.
That evolved to Tele-vangelism when Oral Roberts (and other Evangelists) found-&-used radio- & television-technology to broadcast their Gospel-message to larger-&-larger audiences.
My first thought (about this) was to call it 'Cybervangelism' (as it's 'Evangelism in Cyberspace'), but watching Tom Hanks' CNN-documentary on The 2000s I see/remember Steve Jobs suggesting the prefix 'i-' for his new devices (iPad, iPod, iPhone, etc.) and–as more and more people are adopting i-devices for use in their daily lives–and so I suppose 'I-vangelism' might be a term that attracts more believers.
Kenneth Copeland Ministries–as I said–has been on the edge of this frontier. But they don't deny that 'it's better to be there in person'—sure, you can see a large amount of their 'tent-meetings' (most of which take place in large church-buildings) on video (television, ROKU, DVDs etc.); but they'd always prefer if you could find your way to see them LIVE! ... ... ... for this reason ...
... thinking about this morning (almost two weeks after I wrote that last paragraph), I can't remember if they've ever 'announced' that 'it's better to be there in person.' "What's the difference between 'watching- or hearing recordings of a ministry's songs-of-praise and sermons-of-praise & -prayer & -Bible wisdom-etc.' & 'going to a ministry's next Believers' Convention (where the main activity is "watching- or hearing recordings of a ministry's songs-of-praise and sermons-of-praise & -prayer & -Bible wisdom-etc." LIVE')?" I imagine you would ask.
The main difference I can see (not ever having 'gone to a Believers' Convention' myself, beyond 'walking to a few local churches in my 20's (in Oklahoma City, where some areas have a-church-at-every-main-corner)) is 'the fact that other people are also 'carrying that Cross' (i.e. not just 'believing Lord Jesus Christ died on one,' but 'sharing the burdens involved in being "presentable in public" (bathing, putting on your "church clothes," sitting quietly in the pews during the singing & praying & praising & preaching & "saying 'Amen' at the appropriate times," Catholics also-doing their "sit-stand-kneel" at those appropriate times').

'Carrying that Cross (or those Crosses),' you feel like "a part of a larger group"—more-so than when you're at home alone, watching on television or -the Internet (although the group doing that is probably 'a bigger group than the one that's actually there').
So it's not "the being-there" that's important, so much as 'the getting ready to Be There'—'when you clean & change & travel to a public location & behave like people are watching,' your brain programs your body with different signals to use different chemicals than 'when you just roll out of bed and click-on "The Tube" (whichever "Tube" you get your entertainment from) and listen to the same preaching-&-praising-&-praying.'
My first thought (about this) was to call it 'Cybervangelism' (as it's 'Evangelism in Cyberspace'), but watching Tom Hanks' CNN-documentary on The 2000s I see/remember Steve Jobs suggesting the prefix 'i-' for his new devices (iPad, iPod, iPhone, etc.) and–as more and more people are adopting i-devices for use in their daily lives–and so I suppose 'I-vangelism' might be a term that attracts more believers.
Kenneth Copeland Ministries–as I said–has been on the edge of this frontier. But they don't deny that 'it's better to be there in person'—sure, you can see a large amount of their 'tent-meetings' (most of which take place in large church-buildings) on video (television, ROKU, DVDs etc.); but they'd always prefer if you could find your way to see them LIVE! ... ... ... for this reason ...
... thinking about this morning (almost two weeks after I wrote that last paragraph), I can't remember if they've ever 'announced' that 'it's better to be there in person.' "What's the difference between 'watching- or hearing recordings of a ministry's songs-of-praise and sermons-of-praise & -prayer & -Bible wisdom-etc.' & 'going to a ministry's next Believers' Convention (where the main activity is "watching- or hearing recordings of a ministry's songs-of-praise and sermons-of-praise & -prayer & -Bible wisdom-etc." LIVE')?" I imagine you would ask.
The main difference I can see (not ever having 'gone to a Believers' Convention' myself, beyond 'walking to a few local churches in my 20's (in Oklahoma City, where some areas have a-church-at-every-main-corner)) is 'the fact that other people are also 'carrying that Cross' (i.e. not just 'believing Lord Jesus Christ died on one,' but 'sharing the burdens involved in being "presentable in public" (bathing, putting on your "church clothes," sitting quietly in the pews during the singing & praying & praising & preaching & "saying 'Amen' at the appropriate times," Catholics also-doing their "sit-stand-kneel" at those appropriate times').

'Carrying that Cross (or those Crosses),' you feel like "a part of a larger group"—more-so than when you're at home alone, watching on television or -the Internet (although the group doing that is probably 'a bigger group than the one that's actually there').
So it's not "the being-there" that's important, so much as 'the getting ready to Be There'—'when you clean & change & travel to a public location & behave like people are watching,' your brain programs your body with different signals to use different chemicals than 'when you just roll out of bed and click-on "The Tube" (whichever "Tube" you get your entertainment from) and listen to the same preaching-&-praising-&-praying.'
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