The #Collaboratory of All Creation? @EligibleMonster @DCComics @Marvel @VariantComics #Collaboration #Laboratory #Collaborate #Lab #Oratory #Orator #Orate

"Collaboratory"is a portmanteau of "Collab" (slang for 'a Song Produced by Several Artists Working Together,' short for 'Collaboration') and ... originally the word "Laboratory" (word for a Scientist's Primary Operation-Center), but the word "Oratory" (Performance of Speech) also works.
The word "Collaboration" is built on ancient words that mean “With (Com-) + to Work (Labor).”

The word "Laboratory" is built on ancient words that mean "a Place for work."

The word #Oratory is built on ancient words that mean "to Speak, Pray, Plead, Pronounce a Ritual Formula, Praise, Revere, Ask the Oracle, Worship."

And the video above discusses ...
Source, Wall (interesting, because it's said to be the meaning of the original name of Satan—a name which many Christians use instead of the True name of 'the focus of their worship'), Universe/Multiverse, Ancient Cosmic Brothers Marvel & DC (Romulus and Remus? Cain and Abel? Zeus & Hades? Thor & Loki? ... Neo Anderson & Agent Smith?), Maximum State, Legality, Cosmic Beings/Gods (Entropy, Mystery, Wisdom, Wonder ... they might be Giants (LoL They Might Be Giants), but it's said that Giants are 'embedded in the Source Wall), Creator, Story, Chaos, Theory
I'm surprised Eligible Monster doesn't tie that into the Speed Force ('alternate dimension'-thing featured in The Flash) ... especially since he mentions the STAR WARS universe, whose Jedi are well known for living 'within The Force' (or "becoming one with The Force") when they 'pass this existence.'
