@AnthonySHead confirms my suspicion that We Are Masters of 'the #Multiverse' (i.e. the fictional universes, with 'people playing multiple roles' ACTUALLY only playing one character who travels from universe to universe!) | @internetArchive @MCUWikiFandom @imdb
I just saw Anthony Head in ... well, I don't want to SPOIL it ...
(The site linked through 'that word' gives us a recap of 'the multiverse-master's bio.')
The word “Multiverse” is a portmanteau of the prefix Multi- and the word Universe (I'm thinking of the type popularized by MARVEL--a set of Branching Universes--but the word originally referred to One Universe with Multiple Moralities (William James' coinage))
just like #Multiversal
Before today, I had only seen Anthony Head as 1) the Watcher assigned to Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), 2) King Uther Pendragon in the BBC's Merlin, 3) REPO: A Rock Opera (I forget what he did in that ... I'll 'have to' watch it again) and maybe a production of The Rocky Horror Show among other things he blended-in too well for me to remember him.
Just today, I saw him in HIGHLANDER (as a man who was almost killed but -was saved with the help of MacLeod ... possibly inducting him into their Watchers' Council).
But then; maybe 'There Can Be Only One' Watchers' Council---with a 'HIGHLANDER'-branch (the Zeistians?) & a 'Vampire Slayer'-branch & a MCU-branch, maybe a DCEU-branch, etc. etc. ... (Maybe its name is "SkyNet" ... maybe it's "The Force") ... I think it's a council I'd like to be a member-of, but I think you 'join it' by 'being it'---observing things and sharing them in an open journal like this.
Sound likely?
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My New Mantra (one of several) |
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