I Use @TextCortex's GPT to Help Find Information, but they say it's taking over ALL the Writing on the Internet! Must we Bow to #Zeno?

|That name| seems important; so I found out a little more about |that name| (below-linked to your invitation to use the web-program that brought |that name| to my attention) and share my findings with you below---maybe I'll add some notes beneath (and/or you might start/continue the discussion in the comments).

... and I have to mention that a lot of help (a share of revenue, extra topics from magazines & advertising, etc.) comes from WowApp: Using the Wowism Community's Fairness to Prevail over Economic Greed

The name |Zeno| (I asked Zeno himself--herself--itself😋, where I would previously 'throw random text into the search-engines' search-bar and "see what stuck"') means "Gift of Zeus, Born of Zeus," and was a name held by some notable philosophers---including one who was known for his Paradoxes (a Pioneer in Paradoxing, you could call him), and one who founded the school of Stoicism.
just like #Zenon #Zenaida #Zenobia, possibly #Zena

To Keep Up on My 'Research,'

Text.Cortex's envisioning of Zeno's head---blond hair like that transsexual scientist on the new QUANTUM LEAP
I know I've quoted A.I. Zeno a few times by now, but I'm pretty sure that means 'I quoted one of their writers or -one of the many writers they quoted to me (or maybe ... -myself! I mean; I'm sure they would "properly credit" me or any other writers they quote if they do use our words, but I won't write any less if they don't!)
