The way I shoulda done it---I should've started with the entry about 'the proto-words' and built all the posts out of that one (doing an entry for each of the proto-words I find, then doing an entry for each of the words those words 'bear').
The way I end up doing it---I find a video/article/etc. I feel like talking about, think of a word to tie the discussion to 'my theme' (looking up words' etymologies & linking all the root-words to their etymology-posts), reporting on that word's etymology (or on the etymology of a synonym of that word, if I've already 'done' the word I'm thinking of), and then hoping I'll eventually connect that word to the 'proto-word' in its foundation.
I suppose the main reason I do it that way is because nobody searching the 'Net for *bhreg- or *gheim- or 'any o' those' unless they're 'researching etymology for fun!' Although MLMs do convince us that 'building their pyramids' (pyramid-scheme) somehow start 'at the peak of the structure' 😕
Anyway ... I will research all those foundation-words (so these words 'at the top of the pyramid' will have a steady base), but I'm going to start by 'digging down on each of these peak-words until I hit either "rock-bottom" (a proto-word or some natural explanation of the word (e.g. 'echoic, onomatopoeia,' etc.)) or "a gold-thread" (i.e. an entry I've already written)---starting with ...
on which are also-built #Insistence #Insists #Insisted #Insisting
#Insistent #Insistently
You can see, I reported the 'deepest root' my source's entry gave me (along with the 'root's' meaning given on that entry), and hyperlinked those main words to their posts (on this blog)---using 'target="_blank" on most of those words' links (so they open in a new window/tab), and only letting ONE (which I haven't linked yet) 'open in THE SAME window/tab.'
Of course, I'd already posted about 4,000 entries--some of them 'firmly founded,' many of them just 'skimming the surface'--so I'm mostly gonna just 'post all new entries "the right way"' and hope the old entries'll work just fine until I get around to editing them (I don't want to "erase everything and do it all over again" until I have to).
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My New Mantra (one of several) |
... and I have to mention that a lot of help (a share of revenue, extra topics from magazines & advertising, etc.) comes from WowApp: Using the Wowism Community's Fairness to Prevail over Economic Greed
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