Don't #Overlook the #Murrah #Plaza Overlook!

The Visitor Guide (see the post linked through the bold text) says of the Murrah Plaza Overlook, "The surviving original area [of the Murrah Federal Building---most of which was destroyed in April 1995] offers a sobering view of the Memorial grounds."

The name “Murrah” (surname of the man for whom the now-destroyed building was named) is built on ancient words that mean "Sea Warrior."
just like #Murchadha #MacMurchadha
The word “Plaza” is built on ancient words that mean "to Spread (Broad Street, Courtyard, Place, Public Square (surrounded by Houses))."
just like #Plazas
The word “Overlook” (the verb originally meant 'to look beyond (and thus fail to see)' AND 'to watch from a High Place,' but the noun means only 'a High Place that affords a wide View') is built of the prefix Over- & the word "Look."
just like #Overlooks #Overlooked #Overlooking #Overlooker
 #Overlookers #Overhear #Overhearing #Overheard #Overhearer
 #Overhearers #Oversaw #Oversee #Oversees #Overseeing
 #Overseer #Overseers

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