"Succor" is a word I don't hear often. I used it above because it's the first
'synonym of "help"'
that I haven't posted yet.
The word “Succor” is built on ancient words that mean "to Run Up To (Hasten to the Aid of, |Hurry to Assist ... see Sub-)."
just likie #Succors #Succored #Succoring
#Succour #Succours #Succoured #Succouring
#Succour #Succours #Succoured #Succouring

CryptoTab gave me this pop-up message.
... ... ... when I tried to copy the pop-up text, it disappeared & opened my CryptoTab Affiliates' Page (giving me my Affiliate Dashboards for the CryptoTab Browser, CT Farm & CT NFT), with several blocks of text like
Earning BTC is Easy
Invite New Users to EcosystemEarning Bitcoin is easy. Invite like-minded people to become part of the CryptoTab ecosystem — earn BTC as bonus percent from their earnings in CryptoTab services! This is our main principle: share to earn. And you can join us to skyrocket your BTC income!
And in 'heeding their call,' it dawned on my that I don't know "the purpose
I'm serving by downloading- & running the mining-browser myself,'
let-alone 'why anyone else should run it.'
The way I understand it, "There's these things called 'nerds' ... 😋" Well, people 'don't trust banks'---oh, banks are "honest"; but--if they mess up on their calculations or records of 'your current balance'--there's no resource to back up your 'correction' (nothing to prove you're not just "making it up."
So instead people put their money in 'decentralized currency.' It's like putting money into one bank and having it recorded in the ledgers of ALL the banks! That's where the 'miners' come in---the people pay 'a little fee' (we call it "gas") for us miners to secure their transaction 'on our ledgers' (i.e. in the Blockchain).
I really enjoy sharing my unique perspectives and I'm thankful to you for
liking this enough to subscribe (FOR FREE) to get alerts when I post something new and -to comment below (to tell me how crazy or -ingenious or -foolish
or -enlightening-etc. my writing is).
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I appreciate your comment, and I'll probably approve it & publish it soon (give me about a week before you try to post it again when it doesn't publish immediately ... thanks)