#Cowtow ? I think I meant #Kowtow

I think I honestly thought #Kowtowing was spelled #Cowtowing, and it was when you hitched a trailer (full of whatever garbage you want moved) to a cow for them to tow (not sure why we pronounce it the way we do đŸ˜€)

I'll change the entry in the forum you can join through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first–after a mention of my biggest supporters (possibly including you–I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Kowtow” is built on ancient words that mean "|Knock the Head (|Bumping it to the Ground while |Kneeling in Respect or |Submission)" (extended to cover "|Acting in an |Obsequious Manner").
#Kowtowed #Kowtows (not #Cowtow or #Cowtows)

in case the forum erases it before I go & correct it (shady topics, etc.)

Postby friendociate Â» less than a minute ago

MSNBC-fans heard about the shameful actions of the police-force, murdering the innocent man 80 yards from his mother's house.

He was a great man (and I'm sure we can look up information on him & how great he was); but I'm so upset at MSNBC right now that I don't REMEMBER the man's name (nor the city's name of the police-force that formerly employed the 5 men who murdered the man).

I'm just a little ashamed to be an MSNBC-fan right now. I saw the report (and a little bit of the police-video) on ALL IN with CHRIS HAYES---it was disgusting, but he countered it with another video about 'what a great guy' that man was.

Then I went to that night's ALEX WAGNER TONIGHT ... I couldn't watch that episode! she spent THE WHOLE HOUR lamenting the cops' terrible behavior!

Tonight is THE RACHEL MADDOW SHOW ... will I have to skip that too? I mean; it's sad that the policemen were ENCOURAGED to do what they did, but do we have to hear about it?
My New Mantra (one of several)

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