@MicrosoftRewards "Assistants" are Such #Scamps! @MicrosoftHelps ... THEMSELVES, but FAILS Most @Microsoft-Users

I know that 'the Microsoft-accounts I tagged' might not all be "directly involved in the Rewards-program," but--kind of like most Muslims are not responsible for the violent acts of a few Jihadis, but carry the blame that comes with the Muslim faith--all the branches of Microsoft share in the guilt of any one branch....

I use Microsoft Rewards on my CryptoTab (a fom of Google Chrome), and it gives me a link that says "WAIT! You could earn 3 times as much if you use Microsoft Edge!"

So I open it on my Microsoft Edge, and IT SAYS THE EXACT SAME THING!

I try to send them a comment on 'how confusing that is to me,' but THIS is the closest I can get to "contacting Microsoft Rewards' customer-service!'

I posted that note in reply to a fellow Microsoft Rewards attempter's explanation of 'their experience with the scamps at Microsoft.' You can access that note through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Scamps” (Highway Robbers, Roamers, Fugitives, Vagabonds, Swindlers, Mean Villains (used affectionately of Rascals) ... meaning of a word that supports the word "Scam") is probably built from the word #Scamper, which is built on ancient words that mean "to Leave the Field (Decamp), Out of- (see Ex-) -Field (see |Campus)." 
The word #Scamp is also a verb (also related to Scamper, if not -to ancient words that mean "Short, |Brief, Lately" ... or maybe a blend of |Scant & |Skimp) that means "to Do in a Hasty Manner, Perform in a |Slipshod or Perfunctory Way, |Flee."
#Scamped #Scamping #Scampers #Scampered #Scampering

