#Arrrgh: Grumble about 'being too-much a #SowerOfTheWord to sit still & #TrimTheHedges (or #WeedTheGarden or #PickUpTheLitter or #MowTheGrass or other 'euphemisms' for "Editing"))

In a post you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below, I explain what a 'The Sower of The Word' I am; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The exclamation “Arrrgh!” is built on ancient words that mean "Cowardly, Lazy, Slow, Wretched (akin to ancient words that mean 'Worthless, Evil, Bad, Stingy, Homosexual, Effeminate, Repulsive, Sensual, Lustful')" (or may be a tribute to the Argonauts ... when Pirates use the exclamation---or may be a Prolonged form of the Cry "Ah!").
#Argh #Arr #Arrr #Arrrr #Arrrrr ... #ArrrrMen (at about 5:15 below)


To find that support-framework, I found the "documents":
What I'm 'arrrgh'-ing about? As I probably mention at the bold link above, my "plan" (inspired by the Lord Jesus Christ's "Parable of the Sower") was to write 'the field' of this blog by 'sowing' words that come to mind from "whatever media I see/hear during the day" ('sowing' them by writing each 'featured word,' grouping it with the words that precede it (the word's 'root-words'), linking to posts of those words if I'd 'done' those words before, etc.)

The idea I had was--like The Sower's seeds produced a multi-fold harvest when he did nothing but scatter the seeds that happened to land on fertile ground--my word-seeds would connect to more-&-more new words that I scatter in this field.

And they do, but not exactly 'of their own volition' like The Sowers' seeds do. The old words can connect to the new words ... if I go back and connect them! I connect each new seed-word to the old word-seeds that are related to it; but if 'it' is a root-word of any of the old word-seeds, I won't connect THEM unless I open-&-edit that old post!

I suppose I can change my editing-method a little; but it'll mean I have to stop 'spreading new seeds' so casually 🥱
