Use @SplashFoam, and You'll Never Have to #Scrub the #Toilet Again | #Toiletries #Scrubbed #ToiletPaper #Scrubbing #ToiletTraining #Scrubby #Toiletry

A 'sub-sponsor' (that's 'what we call `em' if they just bought the ad-space from an ad-network that pays us a portion, yes?) explains 'how the product eliminates the struggle' in a report you can access through 'the bold link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Toilet” is built on ancient words that mean Cloth, Net (see |Toil ... originally referring to a Fine Cloth Cover on the |Dressing Table (and the Articles spread upon it, near the |Lavatory), which became an American euphemism for the |Porcelain Plumbing-|Fixture).

... tells you why a #ToiletryBag is full of hair- and skin-care products (with very few 'defecation- or urination-aids')

The word “Scrub (the cleaning motion AND the short tree ... #Scrubbed #Scrubbing #Scrubby)” is built on ancient words that mean also support |Shrub (an ancient cleaning tool; cognate with words that mean |Stunted Tree, Brushwood)---its sense of "to Cancel" comes from the notion of "|Erasing- or |Rubbing out-an entry on a list (popularized with reference to Air-Missions in WWII)."


the first thing that should come to mind when you hear "no scrub" 😁
