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'Reach' More #Customers with @SpectrumReach-Ads on TV ... for FREE? probably not, but we'll find out

I forget what 'the ad I clicked' says, but the 'landing-page' (which-I quote beneath the subscribe-bar & -you can access through 'the bold word(s)' below) makes such claims; you can check them out like I'm going to, but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Customers (& #Customer #Custom #Customs #Customize #Accustom #Customary)” is built on ancient words that mean "Habit, |Usage, Practice, Tradition; Way, Familiarity, Com- + |Oneself (Idiom)."


Try the Ad Portal Today


Reach more customers than ever with TV advertising in the Ad Portal

  • An easy, affordable DIY TV advertising platform that lets you build your TV schedule in less than an hour!
  • Get in front of the right customers using criteria like geography, age, gender and more.
  • No commercial? No worries, create it in the portal or let our experts help you. And the best thing – It’s Free!
  • Track the performance of your TV ads.
... the first page they give me:

Reach the customers you need.

We’ll help you get the best results from your campaign by making sure your future customers see your ad the right number of times to remember your business and what sets you apart.

In this section, you'll tell us:

Who are your customers?

Define your ideal viewing audience by the area where they live, as well as their age and/or gender.

What's your budget?

We’ll create an effective campaign that puts your commercial next to your customers’ favorite TV networks the right number of times, so you get the most reach and best results.

Let’s get you on the air!

Our powerful Spectrum viewership data will give you the best recommendations for how long your campaign should run to get you the reach and frequency you need to drive results.

... then an entry-form for my contact-info, and then two optional business goals

Grow My Brand
  • Building a brand takes time and investment.
  • Depending on your budget and the areas you need to reach, consider starting with a smaller geography to increase the number of times your target audience sees your commercial.
  • The longer your campaign runs, the more your audience will remember you.
Promote Something Special
  • If you’re having a sale or event, focus on running your campaign for a shorter period of time.
  • In special promotions, repetition is key.
  • Consider starting with a smaller geography to make sure your target audience sees your commercial often enough to remember your sale or event.

I might come back later and check out the second one; but for now, I'm here to "Grow (my) Brand." I choose that option, and find out that Spectrum's reach doesn't extend to my neighborhood yet. They then tells me their closest area is in Denton, Texas, and they ask me what genders & age-groups I'm shooting-for. Then they ask me 'when the campaign should start.' (They suggest a date a few weeks from now; and I guess that sounds good, so I go with it.)

And then ... well, "FREE" must've flown out the window; because they say,

Choose Your Campaign Package

Each package is designed to make sure your audience sees your ad enough times to drive sales. Repetition makes your business memorable – and the longer your ad is on TV, the stronger the results.

Cost Effective
Households Reached
Views per Household
Better Value
Households Reached
Views per Household
Highest Reach Recommended
Households Reached
Views per Household

I go ahead and 'Enter my Own Budget' ($0), and ... nope, "the minimum budget is $350"; so I'll "Save Draft and Go to Dashboard."

That just leads me to 'a list of Request-drafts' (thus-far, just that one partial request). I'll click-around and see what I can find, starting with 'the Profile-menu' (the upper-right corner, where it says "Hi, Jay" with a little 'default avatar' there).

The menu gives me "Dashboard, Help Center, Account Settings, Logout." I think I'm ON 'Dashboard,' so I'll try 'Account Settings'---and it's basically just "the contact info I entered before," with a "Free Consultation Program"-option at the bottom that asks me if "I want an expert to contact me after I purchase to help me with advertising."

Then I try 'Help Center,' which will tell me:
  • What Ad Portal is (which mentions that you can use it to "create a free commercial," but I suppose that comes after you BUY hundreds/thousands-of-dollars of ad-time)
  • Why one should advertise on TV
  • Ad Portal's ease of use
  • reminding us of the self-service aspect of the Ad Portal
  • ... though they DO help you set up your campaign
... and several other help-options (a search-bar, a few help-categories---"Booking a Campaign, Commercials, Payments & Refunds, Technical" and a phone-number you can call) ... 

I go ahead and look into 'Commercials' ... and I was right, "... FREE, with the purchase of a TV advertising campaign!"
... That's all I wanted to know! 😏
