@JamesCPeters' FREE Ebook will Guide You in Bringing Your inner #Beauty out where We can See it | #Beaut #Beautiful #Beautify #Beautification #Beautious #Beautician
... or not ...
I haven't even started reading 'the eBook where James explains the 5 negative emotions that are stopping you' (you can get yours through 'the bold link(s)' below); but first I want to teach you about "Beauty" (meaning of a word in the foundation beneath the "Form" in #Transform---James being a #Transformational Coach ... #Transformed #Transforming #Transformer #Transforms #Transformation #Transformative).
And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)
The word “Beauty ( #Beauties #BeautySleep #BeautySpot #BeautyContest #BeautyQueen)” is built on ancient words that mean "to Do, Perform, Show Favor, Revere."
I'm going to go over the 5 Emotions below, but--if you'd rather learn about them 'directly from the coach' so that you can optimally 'transform your mind--it'd be better to download the eBook (from the bold link above), and then maybe comeback to compare notes.

First, he introduces himself---listing a few of the things he's gone through; which is odd, because he says
- Reliving Past-Trauma is Rarely the Best Way to Move Forward - but--reading his comment on this--I see that "acknowledging that it happened" is different from "living in former conditions." He says that "this way, past traumas can be leveraged for the strengths, wisdom and empathy that they've fostered."
- ANTs (Automatic Negative Thoughts) - "constantly belittling yourself" ... I think he's talking about Rumination.
- Own Your Definition. - Trauma frequently forces survivors to accept others definitions of them (particularly if the trauma hit you when you were young)
- Transformational Mindset Coaching - an Easy Course with Near-Instant Rewards -
- I know this sounds a lot like "the demon tempting you ... 'C`mon! Take the easy way!" so DON'T GET JAMES WRONG; your trauma has made your road (past, present and future) very difficult, but ... maybe some of the difficulty "takes care of itself" if you focus a little bit more on the not-as-difficult work to do ...
- 'Reason 5' (because these look more like 'Reasons to Enroll' and not "Emotions to Get Over") goes on a different path than the one I'm on---it talks about 'Making a Progressive Plan to Reach your Goals,' but the Plan I'm making involves a goal that is right where I am!
But--if you aren't 'right where you want to be' (and aren't 'on your way there' (in school, actively seeking employment in your chosen profession, etc))--maybe James can help you!
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