@CalvaryTruth, Does God Hope We All Remain Helpless, #Drooling invalids with Snot #Dribbling Down our Lazy Faces?

Because that's the message a lot of people get from the video you share that's hyperlinked through 'the bold word(s)' below; I'll discuss that confusion below 'the subscribe-bar,' but first I want to teach about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Drool” is built on ancient words that are a dialectal variant- or contraction of Drivel. 

 #Drooled #Drooling #Drooler

The word "Dribble" is built on ancient words that are a variant of Drip (I'm not sure how it evolved to mean "Push or Shove the Ball" in Soccer/Football, or "Bounce the Ball with One-Hand" in Basketball).

#Dribbled  #Dribbling #Drib #Dribbler #DoubleDribble


I've been dealing with this conflict for a while; because while all humans begin & end life as dependent invalids, I'm also part of the community of Traumatic Brain-Injury survivors (and I've regained enough ability to participate in uninjured society to a degree).

Regaining my mobility (walking, talking, eating, singing, English-comprehension) was done by 'my' power---God-given power, if you like; but it isn't fully "given" unless I can call it "mine."

The people I depended-on (and will depend-on later) are each their-own. If they're devoted to Our Father, that's great; and he sets them free to choose-his way or -their own way at any time.

Our Father gives them the power to save themselves & -others (from what? an infinite variety of troubles, so you could summarize by saying they mostly save themselves-and-others from the waste of energy in trying to do things alone).

hmm ... I guess that's what people are thinking when they say (the unbiblical teaching) "God helps those who help themselves"---if you believe that God gives you the initiative to do something, you will start doing it (whether you ever learned how-to in the first place). 
