@Google put another #Shiny New Finish on @GoogleChrome | #Shininess #Shine #Shone (only #Shined if it's what you do to shoes) #Shining #Shiner #TakeAShineTo

Google Chrome explains what new (as of February 4, 2022) in a report linked through 'the hyperlinks' below; I'll quote their report below the subscribe-bar (in case the link doesn't take you to the same place it takes me), but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Shiny” (actually a foundation beneath the word "Chrome") is built on ancient words that also mean "to Gleam" (that're also the foundation of words that mean "to Flash up" ... and 'Shiny' is also a noun meaning "a Shiny |Object (often Money)).


The hyperlink itself isn't working for me, and the URL in it only
 works if you type it into a Chrome-browser; so I'll 'transcribe'
 the page here:
What's new in Chrome
With each update, Chrome gets even faster and more secure. New to try:
  • Easily share links with others—or yourself
    Use the new share menu to share a link, create a QR code, or send the link directly to your own phone.
    1. Click the share icon in your address bar.
    2. Select from a variety of options to share the link with others or yourself for later
  • Chrome profiles
    If you share your computer with another person, or want to keep your work-browsing and personal-browsing separate, try using Chrome Profiles.
    1. At the top right, click Profile (the little circle with a 'profile'-icon)
    2. Click Add.
  • Accidentally close a tab? It's easy to reopen. (Maybe it's new with the latest Chrome-update; maybe it's a function from the older one too)
    "Gah! I closed the wrong tab!" No need to fret. With Chrome, it's easy to get your tab back.
    1. 'Sub-click' on an empty space of your Chrome tab strip.
    2. Click Reopen closed tab.

      You can also use a keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + T
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