Whatever Happened to Bloggers-Screaming into the #Void & -Worried that No One Was Reading Their Articles? | @BeliefitOrNot #Voided #Voiding #Voidable #Voids

I wondered, 'Are there any "Read & Comment on My Blog & I'll Read & Comment on Your Blog"-programs out there?'

And maybe I'm looking wrong, because I can't find any (despite the way you always hear about people #ScreamingIntoTheVoid, hoping for someone to hear them).

I'll link to 'the best program I can find' through that word below; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word “Void” is built on ancient words that mean |Leave, Abandon, Give Out (foundations beneath Empty, |Vacant, Unoccupied, Loss, |Hole, |Vacuum).


I wondered if I could find 'blog-exchanges' (where others read my blog (and comment below) in exchange for the promise that I will read their blog (and comment there). So,

I'm "sure" a lot of those will get you tons of real readers, but all the 'tricks' I've ever found (quite a few of which I used & -probably still use) have been about "fooling 'the bots' (programs search-engines use to decide how high to list your pages) into thinking you have TONS of people reading your work and linking to it from their pages and their social-netspaces.

That comes up when I stumble-upon the WordPress-page of Belief It Or Not (an atheism-team whose YouTube channel I'm a fan-of). This particular post (as--I suspect--are many of that blog's posts) is basically just 'the video and description of one of their YouTube posts'---incidentally, it's a video about 'how Evangelists are essentially trying to "run up their hit-counters (keeping tally of How Many Souls They've Saved),"

And then half of the post is 'links to other websites & social-netspaces to support BION!

I wrote a comment on that blog-post:
This post (not the video, but the idea behind ‘posting it to a blog’). … It’s kind of like “praying”; you’re crying out into the void, and then echoing yourself; and it ‘fools the world/search-engines into thinking there’s “more than one person” crying into the void.’

I do it too, but not with the ‘draw’ of video. I recently looked had a small anaIysis done for my blog (ByTheseWords on blogspot), and it tells me I’ve got 5500 other sites linking to it. (They’re probably all “me, sharing my blog on Twitter”).

Maybe that’s the point of religion—convincing ‘the search-engines’ (or ‘the powers-that-be’) that your team is an efficient accomplishment-factory.
The point is ... well, I don't want to narrow it down to 'just one point' ...
"Old men like me don't bother with making points. No point" (Councilor Hamann, MATRIX RELOADED)
  • one possible point: that most traffic-exchanges (circa November 2, 2021) aren't about "actual people actually reading and commenting-on your pages' content" so much as they're about 'counting their browser-signals' registration on your pages (as the actual people either let their auto-surf programs run through lists of blogs, or as the actual people blankly stare waiting for the surf-exchange's timer to tell them they can move on to the next one).

    I've used surf-exchanges (with not-much-success), but now I rely-a little bit on search-engine traffic but -mostly on Twitter-traffic (where I share my posts on Twitter (usually through link-sharing programs that use the RSS-feed ... or some other Internet-geek terminology I don't know).
  • another possible point: what I'm doing this for. Not for money! (Oh, don't get me wrong; if you want to give me your money, I'll gladly take it! It's just that ... 'The money' doesn't decide what I write! Oh, of-course 'more money coming from one activity' will boost the likelihood that I'll do more of 'that activity' (for instance: I'd usually write things like this on MyLot, where--though it doesn't bring in enough to replace a full-time income--it does earn me a few cents ... infinitely more than I'm guaranteed to get writing here!)

    Like I told the webmaster of a Search-Engine Optimization page I registered with, 'My content is just here to be "my contribution to the community."' The wisdom I share here is probably "the only way I can be there with you to help you find peace in your day."
Any other possible points you can see in the text above? Any points you think I should cover better? Tell me about them in the comments!    
