@SethMeyers (a.k.a. @LateNightSeth) also explains the #Filibuster | @420intel @Wikipedia

I say 'also' because a) the explanation is couched within "A Closer Look" at Cheeto Jesus's recent rant, and b) part of the explanation is 'that nobody knows where it came from or really what it's for.'

Seth Meyers takes 'a closer look' in the video linked through 'that word' below; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word “Filibusteris built on ancient words that mean (like Seth says), "|Freebooter & Pirate" (it was a pirate-word for a |Stowaway who hasn't 'earned his place at the mark' yet (and thus might be a |Buccaneer or a possible |Mutineer)).

The American definition was ... well, the original American definition was 'a |Rogue U.S. Military-Attempt to Overthrow Central American governments (|Cuba, the state |Sonora in Mexico, |Nicaragua); the Legislative sense (also originally involving America's Cuba-Policy) probably referred to the Obstructionist Legislator (originally referring to 'the congressman themselves' (i.e. they were 'the filibuster' & not "the #Filibusterer")) who 'Pirated' the Debate---|Delaying a |Congress-Vote as long as possible, possibly #TalkingTheBillToDeath ... a.k.a. Political |Stonewalling.

#Filibustering #Filibustered

