When it Starts to Get Hard to #Clip the Nails/Claws of your #Toes

An offer on 'a toenail-clipper for the elderly' is linked through 'the main words' below; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Clip” is built on ancient words that Imitate the sound of a Sheep-|Shearer's |Scissors (|Trimming the |Fleece) or -on ancient words that mean |Fathom (on the notion of |Arms Outstretched to Engage in an |Embrace, to Hold Together by |Pressure). #Clipped #Clipping #Clipper #Clippings #Clipboard #ClipOn #AtASteadyClip #PaperClip #ClippingHerWings 
The word "Toes" is built on ancient words that mean "to Show" (as the #Toe was considered 'the |Finger or the Foot'). #Toed #Toeing #Tiptoe #Toenail #ToeTheMark/#ToeTheLine #StayOnYourToes #StepOnTheirToes #ToeHold

