Your Astrological #MC (the #MediumCoeli, a.k.a. #Midheaven) | @aboutastrology

Reading my astrology-chart, the term MC comes up as 'important';

And although (if you were into popular music in ... I dunno, the late 80s & early 90s (tho I'm sure he's done plenty before & after that, and I hear he's a church-minister now)) you're probably thinking of 'that parachute-pants rapper' and maybe 'the show-hosting role we take his name from,' I'll give you a link to a report about "what that initialism means to astrologers" (and what that astrologic means to you) through 'the main word' below; but I feel it's more important to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The initialism “MC” stands for Medium Coeli, which means "Middle of the Heavens" (they say it's 'the Zodiac-Sign on your 10th-House Cusp,' but they don't say why ... at least Molly doesn't, as we're probably more interested in what advice we can get if we know our astro-houses). 

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Trying to find out 'what significance The Tenth House Cusp has,' I come to another article by Molly ... and it seems like she knows 'this one little part of the subject' about as well as I do (she's miles ahead of me on most other aspects of it, but ...); because she's obviously copying this part from 'the book she heard about it from.'

Because--right after 'the name of each House (First House, Second House, etc.)--she names the Constellation & Planet in that House (as if those are featured in  ALL our First-, Second-, etc.-Houses!

For instance, she says the First House is Aries & Mars, when my First House is Cancer & Venus!
(random picture, only mimetically related)

I'll do some more digging to see how The Houses translate to anything meaningful.
