@TiffanyFerg inspires a New Word: #Genesation (i.e. a 'Generation' the way it was meant in The Bible, where 'My Generation' is "Brothers, Sisters, Cousins" ...) | @KASASA @PewResearch @ThoughtCo @MyADDucation @TIME

I thought of that word when writing the forum-post (linked through 'that word' below); but I feel it's more important to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Genesation” is a portmanteau of the words Genesis & Generation.

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I think the names of the 'Genesations' are simply 'my siblings' genesation,' 'my parents' ...,' 'my grandparents' ...,' 'my children's ...,' 'my grandchildren's ...' (or y'know, substitute "aunts' or uncles', great-aunts' or -uncles', nieces or nephews', or great-nieces or nephews'" for the more direct relatives in the appropriate 'genesations').
    I tried to find whether family-generations have names like cohort-generations do, and that pulled up a lot of random entries:
  • KASASA explains "Boomers & Gen(s) X, -Y (Millennials) & Z." They got into the explanation a little bit before they smoothly transitioned into explaining 'how the generations bank differently,' and even then I didn't realize (until I found their Twitter-account) that they are A BANKING-COMPANY (and that's good, that they can focus on life-matters without framing it as an advertisement!)
  • Pew Research Center explains why- and how people research "generations" more than 'genesations.' And they mention 'Millennials, Gen X, Baby Boomers & The Silent Generation
  • Thought Collective (linked through the picture above)--where I first read that Generation X (which I had just learned was also known as "The Baby Bust") was almost known as The Thirteeners (being the thirteenth generation since the American Revolution)--reviews some of the history of generational-names.
  • TIME Magazine also reviews the 'academic pastime of "Naming the Generations"'---telling us how MTV (the cable-network) threw its hat in the ring by renaming Gen Z "The Founders." (Maybe Tiffany would like to know that 🤓)
  • ADDucation compiles all the names for the generations ... maybe 'just most of  them' at the moment (tho I'm sure they'll update as the definitions shift).
  • https://blog.ryan-jenkins.com/2017/01/12/how-generations-are-created-named-and-differ-across-the-world
  • https://www.reference.com/world-view/names-different-generations-2a01947e453471a6
  • https://parentingalpha.com/generation-years-chart-20th-to-21st-century-generations/
      • Those are just the entries that looked most-interesting on the first page of the search.
