@Microsoft led me to the #Solfeggio- or #Chakra-tones when I Sought 'Colorful Noise' | @AttunedVibes @LonerW0lf @NicAnArt @NancyHausauer

Actually, I was looking for 'all tones at once' (seeing if I could find when collections of notes go from 'dissonant chords' to 'a color of Noise'), and Microsoft seemed to think I was looking for 'all nine of the solfeggio- or chakra-tones at once' ...

I'll do a little research on those note-groups (a.k.a. scales) soon; but I feel it's more important to understand those words better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Solfeggio” is built on two notes of that scale, Sol & |Fa (two |Syllables of a |Six-|Syllable |Scale whose Notes' Names are taken from a Psalm for St. John the Baptist (Ut Queant Laxis) ... see |Gamut). #SolFa #Solfege 
The word "Chakras" (7 centers in the body, with corresponding frequencies/tones and syllables) is built on ancient words that mean |Revolve, Move |Round. #Chakra

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Attuned Vibes (hyperlinked through the main words above) and Loner Wolf (hyperlinked through the chart right next to them) claim that there are 'only 6 solfeggio tones' (as demanded by the Pythagorean calculation!... or something) ... I hear there are actually 9, but even pages that claim there are 9 go on to say there are only 6 (maybe the extra three are just 'octaves of three of the original six).

whoa! there are the other 3! (174, 285 & 963 Hz)
I'm guessing it has to do with 'sympathetic vibration'---y'know ... when a perfectly tuned guitar-string will vibrate when the right bass-tone sounds out loudly. I'm thinking 'the body-parts central to the chakras' vibrate at frequencies below the human ear's hearing range.

The picture to the left (and the picture below) give "correlative frequencies" for the chakras---the 'tones' that are octaves above their actual frequencies (i.e. up in the human hearing range). 

  1. The Root Chakra (Sacral Chakra) - 96.22 Hz
  2. The Belly Chakra - 108 Hz
  3. Solar Plexus - 121.23 Hz
  4. Heart - 128.43 Hz
  5. Throat - 144.16 Hz
  6. Third Eye - 161.82
  7. Crown - 181.63
And hmm ... the picture below (hyperlinked to its explanations) sets the 'correlative frequencies' to the Key-of-A, but Mr. Angeli (above) says he set it in the Key-of-G ... but then he tunes G to 432 Hz (tuned as "A" on the chart below).

And then ... hmm ... Chakra Tones: Vocal Toning to Open and Balance the Chakras (the-energy-healing-site.com) defines the Root- & Sacral Chakras as 'two different places' (but doesn't include a "Belly" Chakra--and neither does the chart above, now that I look--so maybe 'Sacral' is "something that connects the Root to the Belly-area").
