#Absentee Voting in Oklahoma (for the April 6, 2021 Election) | @Ballotpedia @US_Vote @NonDocMedia

A discussion (about early absentee-voting) is linked through 'the main word' below; but I feel it's more important to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Absentee” (describing the vote of one who won't be 'Present' at the ballot-box ... also referring to Landlords (beginning in Ireland) who lived at a Distance from their Estates) is built on ancient words that mean "to Be Off, -Away from." #Absent #Absently #Absentness #Absented #Absenting #AbsentMinded #AbsenteeVoting #AbsenteeParent

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I sign-up for State-served absentee ballots every year, so they get sent to me almost as soon as the election-board has confirmed 'who's running.' That gives us all time to get to know the candidates---to see if there's any reason why we should vote for one and not the other ...

I'll start out at Ballotpedia, but I'm not sure if All the Candidates Fill out the Ballotpedia Survey! yet; So I'll try to research them elsewhere on the Internet ...

    for Office 1 on the 'Putnam City (School District in Oklahoma City/Bethany/Warr Acres)"-Board of Education:
  • incumbent Cynthia Gibbs (nonpartisan ... that's the name on the ballot, even if Ballotpedia says it's "Cindy" and NonDoc says both) - a teacher & "professional volunteer" who aims to do "what's best for the kids"
  • Steve Burger (nonpartisan) - a retired teacher whose areas of focus are investing in the community and providing students with avenues to alternative styles of learning
  • for Oklahoma City Ward 1 Councilmember:
  • Shay Varnell (nonpartisan) - an insurance-salesman & traffic/transport commission-member who wants to fund the police- & fire-departments, to fix & redesign the roads, and to fund public parks
  • Bradley Carter (nonpartisan) - an Army veteran & executive barista who wants to improve the city’s infrastructure for long-term growth, to help sustain small businesses by developing clearer, more streamlined regulations, and to proactively look for and attract new industries.
