My Favorite #Advent - Awaiting the Delivery of the Next 'Little Treasure' (FREE alt-weekly on @issuu, such as @OKgazette)

What I show here is 'the group of words' that couch "that word" (below hyperlinked to 'the way you can get access to most of the alt-weeklies these-days') into your vocabulary ... deeper meanings that 'firm the foundations' upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Advent” is built on ancient words that mean "to Come-, Go To" (odd ... those're the same meanings as the roots of "Arbitrary" ... hmm ... and the word has been 'stolen'/popularized by Christianity as 'the Season Preceding the "Coming" of Christ'---extended to the 'Important Arrival'-sense I'm using in reference to "the distribution of your favorite alt-weekly"). 
#Adventual #Adventist #Adventitious

Maybe our favorite is already in news-stands by now, but I haven't seen it yet. Anyway, the usual schedule has it out 'the first- & third Wednesday of the month' (at-least until COVID-inoculation brings society back to life enough to make enough news for the Gazette to add-back the second- & fourth- & sometimes fifth-weeks), and right now it's still 'in between New Year's Day & the first printing'---an 'auspicious' time (I don't even know if that's the right word ... 'poetic license' 😏).
