A Reader Asks(?) about #Glock | #GlocksOfficial ... like those sold by @GLOCKinc

Well, he doesn't "ask" so much as he 'SPAMS the comments' (i.e. it's a comment posted to a popular post of mine, but it's about an almost unrelated topic)---I 'took that comment down,' but I'll put it here:

The glock is the best hand gun for safety purposes. Buy the latest glock gen 5 hand guns and more for your safety. Place your order and just wait for your product within 48 hours maximum Model links as ... follows buy all kinds of glock pistols online
What I show here is 'the group of words' that couch "that word" (below hyperlinked to that Glocks-Official site, in case the link above doesn't work) into your vocabulary ... deeper meanings that 'firm the foundations' upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Glock” is the surname of the engineer who--with no prior experience in firearms--invented the weapon. The name was originally an occupational surname (for the Town-|Crier or the family who lives in/near the Church Tower) built on ancient words that mean Bell, Clock (like |Glockenspiel).

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