Find out about the #KlondikeBakery, or #SupportJournalism @OKgazette with the #Baker-family by Getting #Baked (#MMJIDrequired) at #BakersMedical @BakersCannabis | @issuu @StarTrek @getfandom
Their ad (supporting the journalists of in the December 2, 2020 'issuu' of the Oklahoma Gazette) reads:
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this is from December 2020, so the specifics are probably different than stated in the graphic |
'That name & word' (below-hyperlinked to "the dispensary's website" (well, currently 'a' dispensary owned by the Bakers) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
The name “Baker” is built on the name of a family that specialized in Baking.
The word "Baked (#Bake #Baking #Bakery #Bakes)" is built on words that mean "to |Warm (Bath)" (|Roast, |Cook with Dry Heat in a Closed Place or -on a Heated Surface).
The word "Baked" is also popular slang that means "Lethargic, Stoned (as if under the influence of Marijuana)."
Hmm ... I'm reminded—I just caught a stream of the first episode of Star Trek (TOS), and 🤣 they didn't call it 'Sick-Bay.' They called it The Dispensary.
But the Bakery you're probably here to talk-about is the Bakery you built on your KLONDIKE TLE homestead.
Haven't built yours yet? Get on it! Save up Emeralds to buy the foundation for this building, which you'll build with Bricks, Iron-bars, Fabric-swaths, Glue-jugs, Buffets, Plaid Thatches, Kettles, clay Jugs & Windows?
Does that sound like a lot of work? Well, it's worth it; because it gives you a place to make Cheesecake (35 'bolts' of energy each ... after you unlock the recipe), Raspberry Chime (40 'bolts' each ... after you unlock the recipe), Blueberry Pie (50 'bolts' each ... after you unlock the recipe), 5-bolt Bread, 10-bolt Cookies, 20-bolt Pie (and other things that--though they don't supply energy themselves--serve as ingredients in the recipes I link-to above ...
(important because--although neighbors usually can't give you Energy-boosting Foods--they CAN share a lot of the ingredients used to MAKE those foods!)
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