Getting this #CrisisOnInfiniteEarths-Puzzle Straightened-Out @Looper @TheCWSupergirl @CW_TheFlash @TheCW_Legends @CWBatwoman @CW_Arrow @FanOfDTS #SMALLVILLE @BLACKLIGHTNING @BirdsOfPreyWB #Crisis #Crises #MidlifeCrisis #CubanMissleCrisis #MidlifeCrises
The CW 'is featuring' a big event—a crossover of their 5 DC adventure-series, entitled "Crisis on Infinite Earths" (inspired by- and using many of the story elements of-the limited series of comic-books under that name).
The collection of The CW shows is- (or has been up to this point-) known as The Arrowverse—the shows Arrow, THE FLASH, Supergirl, DC's Legends of Tomorrow & Batwoman (with some characters from BLACK LIGHTNING, SMALLVILLE & Birds of Prey); of which THE FLASH & Supergirl are the only ones I've tried to keep up-with ... and I was a fan of SMALLVILLE, which has been off-the-air since 2011.
THE FLASH has known "crisis is coming" for months-&-months (years maybe?) now, and has heard that he has to die (though he later finds out ... something later), But first ...
'CRISIS' (below-hyperlinked to the 'Crisis on Infinite Earths'-page of Fandom's The CW Wiki) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
The word "Crisis" is built on words that mean "to Sieve (|Discriminate, |Distinguish)" (Decisive Point in the Progress of a Disease (when it Turns for the Better or -for the |Worse)).
The German for 'mid-life crisis' means "Shut-Door Panic," from the fear of being 'on the wrong side of a closing door.'
ahem ... The Flash later finds out ... the newspapers that said he disappeared were lying, and actually Green Arrow dies instead (tho he passes 'the Green Arrow mantle' on to his daughter)—though Flash & Supergirl might die later).
Anyhow, Flash has known–like I said–that "crisis is coming" for months now. It wasn't clear 'what Crisis was,' just that "it was going to kill everyone unless Flash died instead (much the way Green Arrow died, 'saving another million people for every second he managed to fight off the Crisis')."
The Crisis was actually "an antimatter wave" ... essentially 'the unknown energy-ribbon from STAR TREK: GENERATIONS' or 'The Nothing from The Neverending Story' or maybe 'The Aether from THOR: THE DARK WORLD,' except it was sweeping through 'the entire multiverse' (i.e. in every parallel universe simultaneously ... like DOCTOR WHO's Pandorica?).
And that brings me back to 'the original Crisis on Infinite Earths,' because it was written as an attempt to unify all the intersecting universes that had been written-of in DC stories up to that point. It tells of The Monitor—who observed- and catalogued the multiverse since the beginning of time. And it tells of The Anti-Monitor, who aims to rule over All Existing Reality by destroying the infinite Earths of the multiverse with a wave of antimatter.
I'm sure you know the basic parallel-universe theory—that we create another 'parallel universe' every time we make a decision (especially one based on 'chance' or 'what suits one's fancy'—as in "Turn Left" (where Donna Noble's entire future changes because she turned left at an intersection)).
(I realize that the universes aren't exactly "parallel" since
they're actually created by their intersection ... maybe
'alternate' universe would be a more-precise term)
The Legends' Time Masters have apparently existed forever (maybe The Monitor is one of them ... if not their founding member). But then you never know ... maybe The Flash went into The Speed Force and changed the fabric of space-time in such a way as to cause The Infintude to break into the ... 'The Multiplitude!')
But what's the deal with Batwoman, Supergirl's adopted sister Alex Danvers, & The Flash all having the same haircut? And what about Lena Luthor's hair? It looks halfway in between Supergirl's & The Flash's ... maybe he took Supergirl back in time, had a baby with her & forced the Luthors to adopt her!
... and I'm pretty-sure Merlin and/or Morgana had something to do with it---Hey! Maybe Lena (played by Katie "Morgana" McGrath) IS Morgana! a crossover we didn't see coming (because it was always ALREADY THERE!)
'alternate' universe would be a more-precise term)
That may get into 'how the Universe BECAME the Multiverse.' The first we see of it (in 'The Arrowverse,' I'm not sure about the 'comic-book-iverse') is when The Flash runs so fast he "reaches Flashpoint" or "enters The SpeedForce."
It also happens repeatedly in Legends of Tomorrow, more commonly ... like when–the most recent example–another song was added to Joan Baez's catalogue when one of the Legends 'went `n done her wrong.'

... and I'm pretty-sure Merlin and/or Morgana had something to do with it---Hey! Maybe Lena (played by Katie "Morgana" McGrath) IS Morgana! a crossover we didn't see coming (because it was always ALREADY THERE!)
... or not ...
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