#ForgiveMe for Being Such a 'Spammer'; Excuse Me While I 'Go Deep' (a little too deep?) on #Forgiveness | @SusanWPtutorial @CryptoTabNET

Profitable blogger Susan Velez explains 'how we can make "good money" with blogs' in a report you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word "Forgiveness" is based on ancient words that mean "to Give (Receive) Completely" (to give-up Desire- or Power to |Punish (Grant, |Pardon)).

#Forgive #Forgiven #Forgave #Forgives #Forgiving #Unforgiven #Unforgiving #Unforgiveness #ForgiveYou #ForgiveThem #ForgiveUs #ForgiveMyself #ForgiveYourself #ForgiveOurselves #ForgiveThemselves #ForgiveUsOurTresspassesAsWeForgiveThoseWhoTresspassAgainstUs


Well, I don't know if "spammer" is the word for 'what I've been'---a better word might be 'annoyance' or 'irrelevant to your life' ... whatever reason so many celebrities feel I'm not worth a follow-back on Twitter.

Oh, I'm still doing that (you can see how on at least a couple links on this post); but from now on I'm going to limit it to 'otherwise FREE links to pages outside this blog' (for a month or two, I even 'redirected' links that were "to other posts on this blog," and so a lot of those links are going to be in my past posts for a while 🙇‍♂️)

But this hits on my lack of self-esteem. And I blame you. (It's more complicated than that, obviously; but that's the long-and-short of it---I don't feel like a valid member of society, and it's partly your fault.)

See, I think amazing thoughts. But you don't expect those from me, so I don't feel 'invited to share them with you.' I should be confident enough to charge forth with my main thoughts (Lord Jesus Christ was just human; Cryptocurrency is pure democracy; Comedy is the best way to deliver The News; etc.), but I feel unheard.

And that's why I feel unforgiven. If I were forgiven (my subconscious mind reasons), people would listen to me; since people aren't listening (my subconscious mind reasons), they still regard my input as "worthless."

Again, I consciously know I'm amazing & ingenious & hilarious
 etc.-etc., but I subconsciously 'know' that you think I'm just a
 kid-at-play, caterwauling to hear the echoes of the random noise.
