#MediaMind: The-- *A* #Chronology of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (#MCU) @DavLee1991 #Chronological #Chron- #Chrono-

The partial-word “Chrono-” carries a scent similar to “a |Defined |Time, Life|time, a |Season, a |While” (I'd guess it's often used interchangeably with "|Tempo-, Temporal, |Temporary" ... or not ...)

Wow ... near the end (where he's talking about the post-
credits scene of ANT-MAN AND THE WASP), Dave
 gives a perfect non-SPOILER teaser—telling us
 that 'something happens' that connects the end of that
 movie with the outcome of THE AVENGERS: INFINITY
 WAR ... a huge thing that happens–connected
 to the whole universe/multiverse–a thing that
 EVERYONE KNOWS will happen–but Dave
 gracefully navigates that to keep 'the mystery' alive!.
