@MSNBC (& @FoxNews too, I guess), I Hate How Wrong You Are about Government/Politics

I watch MSNBC. I disagree with their perspective, I guess; but I'm going to continue watching them (& not FOX NEWS, although I've been asked by my uncle to 'switch').

I'm sure that both news-teams have logical views (that at-least make sense until juxtaposed with conflicting facts), but they (at least MSNBC ... although I hear (from sources like Stephen Colbert) that FOX NEWS is Donald Trump's & MAGA's errand-boy) perpetuate a huge myth.
Unbiased* Opinions; May 13, 2020

They paint 'our representative government' as if it's "The Civil War between The Jedi Alliance & The Sith Empire"---that The Republicans are trying to conquer The Democrats, because 'each side' thinks its duty is to save the country from 'the other side' (who obviously wants to DESTROY the country & bow to their chosen king-or-queen).

That's a false picture of it! The truth is that NO ONE is a Republican or a Democrat! Just like a Christian church can be full of Buddhists, atheists, Satanists, Methodists, Rastafarians AND Christians, each party--whether Democratic or Republican (or even Libertarian)--is full of people who side with Anarchists, Statists, Authoritarians, Theocrats, etc.

When you vote, you're choosing someone who you think will make 'the same choices you would make' (which is why the elected officials are said to 'represent' you---to be 'you' (and/or a majority/plurality of your neighbors) in the legislative office). When they decide how they're going to vote on a bill, they aren't doing it 'to strengthen their party's stance in their war against the part(-y/-ies) on the other side(-s)'; they're basing their decision on 'the logic that encouraged people to vote for them in the first place.' 

"Old men like me don't bother with
making points---there's no point."
My point? I think my point is that 'people in one party running for political office' don't want something different from 'people in the other party running for political office.' They all want "to be chosen to make the best voting-decisions they know how."

That's why people (most famously Tulsi Gabbard, now Kyrsten Sinema ... both leaving The Democratic Party) are leaving their Parties---often called cabals ... to be a member of The Party, you have to make your decisions the way The Party commands.

Digging deeper on that word, we find the 'grain of sand' #Admit (emboldened below); and–after a mention of the free mining-software (giving us free Bitcoin in exchange for energy we're wasting anyway)–I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Admit” is built on ancient words that mean "to Let Go-, Send-To (Permit, Allow, Let In ... see Ad-, Mission)."
#Admitted #Admitting #Admission #Admittance #Readmit #Admissible #Admissions


And so it goes.
My New Mantra (one of several)

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