Looking for Mr. #Colbert's AFTs, I found out more about where 'Ol` #CoalBear' comes from! | @dailyshareHLN @CBSSunday
I was trying to find something about 'Colbert's AFTs' for a post you can get to through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; that led me to 'the research I review below the follow-bar,' but first I want to teach you about that surname. And I find you understand surnames better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)
The surname “|Colbert|” is from the given name #Colobert, probably built on ancient words that mean "Bright Helmet."
In case this 'Stephen Colbert'-quote gets blocked (because the page that Bing Images cites isn't open anymore), it says, "Remember, you cannot be both young and wise. Young people who pretend to be wise to the world are mostly just cynics. Cynicism masquerades as wisdom, but it is the farthest thing from it. Because cynicism is a self-imposed blindness, a rejection of the world because we are afraid it will hurt us or disappoint us. Cynics always say no. But saying YES begins things. Saying YES is how things grow. Saying YES leads to knowledge. YES is for young people. So for as long as you have the strength to...say YES." |
That search also led me to the revelations that:
- Stephen was born in Washington D.C. (tho he was raised in South Carolina).
- He was the youngest of 11 children (with 7 brothers & 3 sisters).
- Got rid of his southern accent by imitating newsmen
- is a huge Lord of the Rings fan
- He was studying as a Philosophy major before he transferred to Theatre (with the encouragement of his mother).
- (This is where I start to leave out a lot of the 107 facts & just list the ones I hadn't known before.)
- I knew Stephen is a (fellow) Catholic (just like President Joe Biden), but I DIDN'T know he likes to teach Sunday School at his church (imagine having Mr. Colbert as a Sunday School teacher!)
- nor that his favorite (Patron?) Saint is St. Peter!
- A Bald Eagle is his adopted son (Stephen Colbert Jr.)
- He is also the eponym (is that 'the guy the other thing is named-after'?) for the Saginaw Spirit's mascot, Steagall CoBeagle the Eagle.
- He tried out for SNL & wasn't hired.
- A room in the space-station is sorta named after him---CEO LB ERT.
- Politicians know about The Colbert Bump---the boost they get in the polls if they guest on his show.
- I bet it wouldn't work for Trump!
- Colbert was in a Rolling Stones cover-band---A Shot in the Dark
- is a proud feminist
- He actually has a deep fear of Bears
- He wrote a series of short-stories for a girl he had a crush on
- He is Irish-German (a lot like me, except I'm also Native American)
- There's also a species of spider named after him---Aptostichus stephencolberti
- He DID voice a character in SNL's Ambiguously Gay Duo
- His middle-name is Tyrone.
- Stephen Colbert is a colleague of MARVEL's Avengers.
- He was briefly a correspondent for GOOD MORNING AMERICA
- His wife Evie played his character's mother in Strangers with Candy
- His ear is weirdly shaped due to a surgery meant to fix his perforated eardrum.
- That ear-problem kept him from becoming a marine biologist (matters with the SCUBA gear)
- His older siblings introduced him to comedy (the kind that children his age should not have been listening-to)
- He was once banned by Wikipedia
- He was in the audience of a two-week advance screening of the first-ever STAR WARS.
- Colbert's DNA was to be sent to the International Space Station
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