The @googleChrome #Extensions I Use

I'll explain 'why I look up Chrome's extensions ('the emboldened link(s)' below); but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Extensions” (which is what the Google Chrome browser calls the programs you can attach to it) is built on ancient words that mean "to Stretch Out" (Swelling, Bulging).
#Extension #Extend #Extends #Extended #Extending #Extender #Extemders #Extensible #Extensive #Extensor #Extensors #Extent #Extents #Hyperextend #Overextend


On a previous post, I noted how YouTube (either accidentally or on-purpose) infects all the web-surfing of Chrome's users because of some old code on the Chrome Extensions.

And I found out that--in order to 'eliminate the virus'--I had to uninstall ALL the extensions & then reinstall the ones I was still using. And so I decided to list 'all the extensions I'm using' so that I can go to the Chrome WebStore (the bold link above) and reinstall them all fairly quickly.

Those extensions are
Dark Reader (which 'tells all the sites you browse' to make their display darker for you (blackish backgrounds with dim text & designs)), Volume Booster (because some videos are recorded way too quiet to hear any other way), CB.Click (URL-redirecter that adds a CryptoCurrency-tool page between my post & the page to which I'm sending you), Etymonline (where I get most of 'the words these words are built-on)

and viewing that webstore-page showed me a few programs I added-on for now ... most notably HyperWrite AI Writing Companion 

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