The Most "Country" #CountrySong I've Heard in a While - @LukeCombs' #BeerNeverBrokeMyHeart (or #LongNeckIceColdBeerNeverBrokeMyHeart) | @LazyFoxYoutube @Masterclass
LazyFox shares the song (with lyrics I'll also share below the subscribe-bar) in a video you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)
The song is "(Long #Neck, #Ice #Cold) Beer Never #BrokeMyHeart."
The word “Neck” is built on ancient words that mean "|Nape (of the Neck)" or maybe some that mean "High Point, |Ridge, Hill, |Collar, Column, Post, Burden-|Bearing & ||Submission #FootOnTheNeck & |Subjugation (with #StiffNecked becoming a term for Resistance or |Obstinacy), Life (breaking- or severing the Neck being popular forms of Legal Execution), Narrow Isthmus between two larger areas"
(there's also the verb, which either means "to Kiss, Embrace, Caress" (probably from the animals' way of showing affection) or "to Kill by Striking the Neck").
#Necks #Necked #Necking #Bottleneck #Breakneck #Leatherneck #LongNeck #NeckBand #Neckerchief #Necklace #Neckless #Neckline #Necktie #NeckVerse #Neckwear #Neckweed #Redneck #Ringneck #Roughneck #NeckOfTheWoods #StickMyNeckOutForYou #NeckAndNeck (horses running at equal speed) #WinByANeck #UpToTheNeck (or #UpToMyNeckIn)
The word “Ice” is probably built on ancient words that mean "Frost, Frosty" (which is why the cake topping #IcingOnTheCake is also called Frosting).
#Ices #Iced #Icing #DeIce #DryIce #IceAge #Iceberg #IceBound #IceBox #IceCap #IceCapades #IceCapade #IceChest #IceCold #IceCream #IceCube #IceHouse #Iceman #IcePick #IceSkate #IceWater #Icicle #Icy #OnIce #ThinIce #OnThinIce #BreakTheIce (from when they made passages for boats by breaking up river Ice) #IceFishing #IceScraper
The word “Cold” is built on ancient words that mean "to Freeze."
#ColdFeet #ColdShoulder #ColdBlooded #ColdTurkey #ColdWar #Colder #Coldest #Coldness #Coldly #ColdHearted #IceCold #Acold #ColdOpening #ColdFront #ColdSweat #ColdCall #ColdCalling #ColdSelling #ColdComfort #ColdCream #ThrowColdWaterOn #SickWithaCold #LeftOutInTheCold
The phrase “Broke My Heart” is used when someone Causes someone-else the Overwhelming Grief-or-Sorrow of #Heartbreak (Heart + Break).
#Heartbreaking #HeartBreaker #Heartbroken #BrokenHeart #BreakMyHeart #BreakingMyHeart #BreaksMyHeart #BreakYourHeart #BreakingYourHeart #BreaksYourHeart #BrokeYourHeart #BreakHisHeart #BreakingHisHeart #BreaksHisHeart #BrokeHisHeart #BreakHerHeart #BreakingHerHeart #BreaksHerHeart #BrokeHerHeart #BreakTheirHearts #BreakingTheirHearts #BreaksTheirHearts #BrokeTheirHearts
Long neck ice cold Beer Never broke my heart,She was a Carolina blue-jean baby,It was red tail-lights when she left town.
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Wait a minute! Don't 'red' taillights mean "she's stopping?" |
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