@CryptoTabNET Accelerates its Mining with #CloudBoost! (which is what I THOUGHT @CryptoTabNFT (with an 'F,' not an 'E') did)

After you download the FREE Mining Browser (which earns you BTC simply by sending random numbers to its network!), they'll tell you how to "increase your mining speed with Cloud.Boost"!

CryptoTab offers CLOUD.BOOST (separate programs for desktop- and mobile-devices) on a page you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Accelerates” is built on the word #Celerity, built on ancient words that mean "Goes, Fast Horse or -Ship, a |Gallop, |Stallion."


After you download the browser (built on the open-source Chrome model---or 'whatever it's called'), your browser's homepage will be a 'miner' with (along with a lot of other information I'll 'mine' for blog-post subjects 🕵🏽‍♂️) some information for boosting your hashrate with The Cloud.Boost feature, which "speeds up mining hashrate in CryptoTab Browser without additional power consumption of your device.

"You can activate many multipliers on one or more devices at the same time."

Clicking that for more information, you see a pop-up window that tells you, "Increase your mining speed with Cloud.Boost - The Cloud.Boost feature allows you to multiply your income using the same hardware. To ensure efficient work, Cloud.Boost utilizes the power of CryptoTab cloud services -- mine up to 60x faster without any performance issues!..."

I think I've tried to activate CLOUD.BOOST before, but I don't think I have enough BTC to transfer to ETH or CTC or whatever ... but I will sooner if you join my mining network to dig up the abundant fortunes!
