#HughesOptioneering (by #ChuckHughes @TradewinsPub) offers a FREE Course on Profiting (Turning a Modest Retirement Account into a Steady Income) with #TradingOptions (i.e. #Optioneering)

TradeWins Publishing offers the lessons on the form you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

Trading Options can be the safest & smartest way to multiply your income. 
The word “Tread” (meaning of a word in the foundation beneath "Trade") is built on (the "assumed base" of) ancient words that mean "to Walk, Run, Step."
#Trod #Treading #TreadWater #Downtrodden #Treadle #Treadmill #Trodden #Untrodden #Retread


They say they're "not sure how long [they]'ll be offering this course at no charge, so I'll get it and share 'as much of it as I can' with you.

The offer isn't too clear about 'what "options" ARE' (something I'm sure they'll cover in the course), but they mention it has to do with "selecting stocks and ETFs."

putting in my email to gain access to the download ... "proving" that I'm not a robot  ... taken to a page that hosts a video they say will "answer your biggest questions about options trading."

Before I even start the video, I see a 'button' that offers "Instant Access for just $'#'"---'instant access' to what? the video will probably say---yep, the program pictured in this post.

In the video, Hughes introduces us to a trading-tactic he calls The Cross Point Signal ... well, mentions the #CrossPointSignal; maybe he'll explain it later, but first he introduces himself---a former airplane-pilot. 

He jumps right into "the markets" (the reason he was able to retire from the airlines). "Everyone knows the key to success in the markets ... buy low & sell high"; but your odds of knowing 'when the stock has hit a "high" or "low"' are usually "just luck," unless you've got an indicator like The Cross Point Signal!

It's an indicator you see wherever "the 50-day EMA (Exponential Moving Average) line" crosses "the 100-day EMA." (You buy when the 50-day crosses above the 100-day, and sell when it crosses back below ...)

And he tells us that this tactic is okay for stock-trading, but that (without telling us exactly what the difference is) options-trading lets you profit whether the stocks go up or down, lets you cut your losses, and lets you speed your way to more-and-more wins!

And he offers the system (to me) at a huge discount (he may have to charge about-700% more by the time this gets to you), before I get to the FREE report he emails.

The report shows up in my SPAM folder- ... well, my "JUNK"-folder; I can't 'legally' call it "SPAM," because I did request it. And the email contains a download-link and an invitation to subscribe to Chuck's daily eLetter & -to his publisher's weekly newsletter Inside Trading.

The download-link takes me to a page with three 'choices' (download "Smart Options Strategies Guide," watch "Smart Options Strategies" or -"What Every Baby Boomer Deserves to Know" (I'm not sure whether the two videos are 'the same video, twice' or what) ... I'm choosing 'all three'🤑)

I downloaded the eBook, and I'll get to it 'later' (or not, judging by the dozen-or-so other eBooks I said I'd get to 'later'). Now, I'll watch WEBBDTK ... in it, Hughes introduces a 'trading options'-strategy he calls GROW (Guaranteed Real Optioneering Winners)---well, "mentions" GROW, tells us 'what an unstoppable strategy it is,' and then offers his course to me at "a huge discount that won't be available if I don't pick it up RIGHT AWAY!🙄"

on, to the SOS-video ("Option Trades Scientifically Engineered for Greater Profit Potential"), which looks like it'll be a summary of the eBook.

He tells us 'options' trading is a lot safer than 'stock' trading---with options, you can only lose 'the money you put into it' (unlike 'stocks,' which make you owe 'whatever the stock loses'---even if it loses MORE THAN YOU INVESTED).

It lets you buy 'power over stocks' buying & selling' without regard to 'how much the stocks actually cost.'

I know I could probably go to Bing or Wikipedia & look up 'Stock Options,' but I'm sorta having fun deducing "what stock options are" right now 🤡

He eventually gets into Options---a.k.a. derivatives, deriving their value from the stock's price-movement. You have Call-Options & Put-Options. COs profit as their stock moves up in price; POs profit as their stock moves down.

... and this is about-where my brain 'checks out' of the webinar-video---he names a few of the systems he uses to measure the stocks' Price Trends, mentions the EMAs again (saying that they work better than SMAs (Simple Moving Averages)), tells us about the OBV line ...
