#Chasing after an Answer to the Question, "Who's the Most-Worthy 'Captain Kirk'?"

I discuss my STAR TREK confusion on a paying forum you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; you can join in on the paying discussion there, but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Chasing” (meaning of a foundation deep-beneath the name "Kirk") is built on ancient words that mean "to Grasp."
#Chase #Chased #Chased #Chaser #Chasse #Chasseur #Steeplechase


My OP on the forum:
I watched the tenth (last?) episode of the first 'season' of STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS ...

For one thing, I'm noticing why a bunch of the reviewers make sure to watch 'every episode that's available' before they start a review---it's sort of "embarrassing" to 'guess what's gonna happen' when you could always just "watch the following episodes & SEE what happens.'

(I don't think I mean 'embarrassing' ... I mean it's "not the way it was before (when you could see the latest episode & still have a week or so before anyone knows what's gonna happen).")

I hope that's enough room for a SPOILER-WARNING (in case you have Paramount+ and want to find out what happens for yourself ... all across the STAR-TREK 'multicosm').

It started back in the 60s (I think) with STAR TREK, when we meet the 'William Shatner'-Captain Kirk. In the run of his series of ENTERPRISE-adventures, we meet Pike---a former Captain of the ENTERPRISE who's now a paraplegic who can only communicate "yes" or "no" through the machine that's also his wheelchair.

(skipping over the 'Chris Pine'-Captain Kirk for a second).

In STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS we meet Captain Pike, who is called to captain the ENTERPRISE after he tried to retire (following some mental trauma that I think happened in STAR TREK: DISCOVERY---which I'm going to watch soon).

The mental trauma showed Pike his future---how he was going to END UP a paraplegic because he would try to rescue some cadets from a big explosion. When he tries to avoid the disaster by telling the cadets NOT to join Starfleet, he is stopped by 'himself from the future'---who uses a time-stone to show him what will happen if he sends those letters.

I won't tell you 'the reason-why Pike came back from the future,' but--if he had sent the letters--he wouldn't have become paraplegic and would still be captaining the ENTERPRISE instead of the man who would instead be Captain of another ship---the 'Paul Wesley'-Captain Kirk.

That's where I get confused because of the 'Chris Pine'-Captain Kirk. In HIS universe (known as "the Kelvin universe" because of the event that created it), Kirk is a 20-something farm-boy whom Admiral Pike (not paraplegic) recruits after a bar-fight!

Did the Kelvin-event (where a time-traveling Romulan-radical destroyed the USS KELVIN with Kirk's father aboard (just after Kirk's birth)) incidentally save Captain Pike from the explosion AND get him promoted to Admiral?
