Okay, I've Downloaded/installed @MetaMask; now How do I Stuff that Cryptowallet FULL of #Ethereum? | @ethereum @etherscan

I 'bought into' Bill Maher's criticism that cryptocurrency is "a waste of energy" (he says--basically--that 'one cryptocurrency-transaction' uses as much energy as 'all the electricity in a city').

But--partly because of an NFT-connected game I'd like to play--I've thought about it and ... is electricity a measurable resource? What about batteries? (Do you look at a battery and say, 'This has x-amount of electricity in it'?)

We'll look at that later ...

Anyway ... I downloaded Metamask & installed it on my browser, and ... now what? Trying to find out, I opened my little MetaMask 'app' (or 'extension on my browser') and it pointed me to "View Account on Etherscan"---which didn't tell me much (but--clicking-around there--I did find a few "mining pools").

Then I thought, 'Maybe I can get back into "Mining."' (Well, I didn't get far into it before ... I downloaded a mining browser, mined a few 'coins' (of some sort), but don't have the necessary money-information (no credit-cards, mostly) to convert them into actual "money.") ... I figured MetaMask would have me 'sign-in' somewhere, and I could just let it run ...

... but I can't find that ... not yet; but I'm still looking! Until I do find it (or maybe 'As another way to find it'), let's look at the very 'thing' I'm seeking!

A search-request sparks Microsoft Bing into finding various reports on Ethereum's beginnings (research you can access through 'the bold hyperlink(s)' below); but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Ethereum (abbreviated ETH, I think)” is probably a portmanteau of the words Ether and the suffix that makes it mean 'thing full of-' (see Aquarium, Solarium ... Chrysanthemum?)
The 'whitepaper' on which Ethereum is based calls Ether "the main internal crypto-fuel of Ethereum," (whatever that means ... I'd probably know if I took the time to read the whole thing).


Trying to break this down ...

People want a secure way to send money to others---a way they can buy treasure in a system and give that treasure to specific others without trusting any one person to take-, guard- and give-that treasure as instructed.

Cryptominers then are 'guardians of that treasure'---it's more complicated than that (in that we're not exactly sure where- or what the treasure is; just that our actions make sure the treasure is secure & -not released to the wrong person).

So I know that--joining a mining pool--I'm not forcing anyone to waste their energy. If there were no one PAYING for the treasure to be cryptomined, I wouldn't have a cryptomining job to do!
