Building another #Barn (and/or upgrading it to a #Granary) in my #KlondikeExpedition @Plarium | @getFANDOM #Barns #Granaries #Barnyard #BarnDoor #BarnOwl

When you start playing the MMOFG KLONDIKE: THE LOST EXPEDITION, your homestead is supplied with one barn. There are many game-items which you need to go to the barn to construct, but the main reason you have the barn is 'to house your daily gifts' (as the FANDOM-page (linked below) tells us that 'building another barn will raise the daily gift limit by 55,000').

Often, people will be blocked from giving you gifts on KTLE because your Daily Gift Limit has been reached. But--if you build more barns (and/or expand your current barns into Granaries)--you'll be able to accept more gifts everyday.

The "Klondike: The Lost Expedition"-Wiki explains 'building another barn' on the page accessed through 'the bold hyperlink(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Barn (& #BarnRaising)” is built on ancient words that mean "Large House of-, Resting Place for Storing-Barley."


To build another barn, FANDOM tells us (before they go on to tell us what we can make in Barns & Granaries) we need 250,000 Gold Coins (for the foundation & plans etc.), 15 Beams, 6 panes of Window Glass, 15 rolls of Cable (for the first stage of building), 25 patches of Fabric, 25 Bricks, 5 Sweaters (second stage), 5 Kettles, 5 wheels of Cheese, 5 Cheesecakes (3rd & final stage).

That Barn can then be upgraded to a Granary with 5 Fittings, 25 Slates & 15-more panes of Window Glass (which boosts your DGL another 200,000, I hear).

The word “Granary (& #Granaries)” is built on ancient words that mean "Store-House for Grain."
