Why Do they Call it Price-Gouging? | @Wikipedia #PriceGouging #Gouging #Gouge #Gouged #Gouges #Gougers #Gouger #GougeTheirEyesOut

I asked Bing that question, and their answer was basically 'what price-gouging is.' I wanted to reply, 'I know "what price-gouging is"; I'm asking "why it's called gouging!' (but I am still cognizant enough to know that the program cannot interpret 'the nuances' of my questions 👴🏼)

I suppose the idea comes from 'the gouge itself'---particularly the shape of the tool. See, the ordinary chisel has a flat blade (so you could use it to divide things--cheese, I imagine, or pizza; but probably cable or wood-planks or other things you would divide with a chisel); but the gouge's blade is beveled, so that the division you make with it gives a little bit more to one side.

Or you could think of it as--when people delivered bricks of salt, and chiseled off a portion as their fee--deliverers who wanted to cheat their customers used the beveled blade of a gouge to chisel off their profit.

Good guess?

I discuss some recent price-gouging news in a forum linked through 'the hyperlinks' below; you can MAKE MONEY by joining the forum & discussing that & -other things; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Gouge” is built on ancient words that mean "Hollow Beveled Chisel" (Prick, Prickle, Beak, Imposition, Cheat, Swindle).


CDN tells us a lot about price-gouging in the graphic they share
maybe users of Wikipedia explain it better (where this link leads)
