Maybe @Meta isn't so much "becoming Facebook's New Name" as it is 'REPLACING @Facebook as the name of "something Facebook became" (the #Hub of Internet Connections)''

I discuss 'Facebook's new organization's name' in a discussion linked through 'that word' below, and you can MAKE MONEY if you join in; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word “Hub (\ #Hob of a fireplace, #Hobnail #Hobnailed #Hubcap)” is originally a Wheelwright's word, probably built on ancient words that mean |Lump, |Round |Protuberance, |Boss (the metaphor (for the Center of a System of Activity) was originally used of the |Boston State-House (in Holmes' "Autocrat of the Breakfast Table")).


META will be the Hub of activities of:
Facebook app logoFacebook app- connecting with friends & family, basically the 'Facebook'-stuff you can do on
        your phone
Messenger logoMessenger- like Twitter (sharing your brief thoughts all over your network)
Instagram logoInstagram- expressing yourself & finding inspiration from others' self-expression
WhatsApp logoWhatsApp- like Messenger, but closer---more immediate
Oculus logoOculus- also like Messenger, but ... with virtual realty (instead of passing- & receiving notes,
        you're talking & moving and listening & watching)
Workplace logoWorkplace- another Groups function, this one focused on strengthening your company
Portal logoPortal- META's version of ZOOM (optimized by the AI-powered Smart Camera)
Novi logoNovi- a Digital Wallet

I might have gotten some of the above summaries wrong, or there might be something else important about each function that I'm leaving out; so please comment telling me what I'm leaving out ... thanks.
