@KanyeWest legally Changes His Name to #Ye, say @PITCHFORK @RollingStone @TMZ @DEADLINE @msnNews (#YeWEST? they don't mention) | #Kanye

PITCHFORK explains Kim Kardashian-West's husband's name-change in a report linked through 'that word' below; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The name “Ye”--though it is the second syllable of his previous first name #Kanye--is taken as the biblical spelling of You (the nominative plural of that second-person pronoun). 
The name "Kanye" might be built on ancient words that mean "Next-in-Line for the Chieftaincy" or "to give Honor, Tribute" or "Togetherness" or "Disgust."

