Why Should I Start #Bweebing on #Bweeble (for Prizes in #CashForReadingEmails? for a #FreeListOfEmailAddresses? #FreeAdDistribution?)

The banner-ad I clicked on said "Prizes of Cash for Reading Emails'; but the page it led to (possibly the one linked through 'that word' below) only mentioned 'sending my ad to 20,000+ members' ...

We'll look into that later; first, I want to understand that name better. And I find you understand names better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The name “Bweeble” is built on ... well, maybe the name is a portmanteau of Brand (as one of their 'Selling-Points' is that they're "not just a List-Builder, but a Brand-Builder!") & 'The |Weeble' (a |RolyPoly Toy from |Hasbro ... "Weebles |wobble, but they don't fall down!").

That's just my guess; I've asked them about it, and am still waiting on the reply (or haven't
 gotten `round to checkin` yet)


the only banner they offered that doesn't mention "cash" ...
