Why Did Dubya have us in #Afghanistan for so long if it was #MissionAccomplished Two Terms BEFORE @POTUS Biden called our soldiers back home? | @Wikipedia @RealTimers

Maybe we'll get to an explanation in the discussion (at a forum that'll pay you to participate) linked through 'that country-name' below; but first I want to understand that name better. And I find you understand names better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word “Afghanistan” is built on #Afghan (built on the name of Afghana, son of Jeremiah, son of King Saul ... applied to the Pashtun ethnic-group; also to a breed of dog and a type of blanket (short for #AfghanShawl) and a type of sheepskin-coat) ... 
+ the suffix #stan (built on ancient words that mean Place where one Stands (also used in #Baluchistan #Hindustan #Kazakhstan #Pakistan and enough other 'place' for them to be popularly known as #TheStans). 
In fact, journalism's frequent "preoccupation with far-away problems and issues to the neglect of local ones" was known as #Afghanistanism. 


other words that come up:
|MiddleEast, Taliban, |ISIS/ISIL, al Qaida, etc.
