#DidYouKnow that #July16 is also a #HappyBirthday to #WillFerrell @OfficialWillF & @Corey_Feldman & the WHOLE #BirthdayCohort of #NationalSnakeDay ?? @NationalToday | @411Holidays @BirthdayMates #TheFamousPeople @YourTango @MySundayMass

or Happy 'whichever of these holidays & or event-anniversaries you celebrate!'

National Today explains National #Snake Day (and how to celebrate it) in a report linked through 'that word' below; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word “Snake” (word that replaced Serpent) is built on ancient words that mean "Creeping thing, to Crawl" (also the base of Snail).

#Snaked #Snaking #CornSnake #MilkSnake #RatSnake #Rattlesnake #Snakehead #Snakestone #Snaky #SnakeEyes #SnakeBitten #SnakesAndLadders (isn't that #CHUTESandLadders?...) #SnakeCharmer #SnakePit #Snakes! #SnakeInTheGrass


I sometimes get a little 'thrill' from realizing that I have the same birthday as several famous people, and enough other people get that thrill from seeing their birthday-cohort (both the currently-famous & the probably-not-yet famous) that I figure it's worth doing 'one of these entries for every birthday' ...

Today's Birthday-Cohort

Astrologically, their sign is Cancer ... no matter WHICH stars they were born under: musician Stewart Copeland (drummer in The Police), "Lord of the Dance" Michael Flatley, popcorn-icon Orville Redenbacher, Will Ferrell, Corey Feldman, Phoebe Cates (Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Gremlins), Ginger Rogers, Shoeless Joe Jackson, Jayma Mays (every straight teen boy's teacher-crush on glee), Roald Amundsen (first human to reach The South Pole), NFL running back Barry Sanders, Frank Capone (elder brother of fellow gangster Al), Youtuber Matthew Santoro, civil-rights icon Ida B. Wells, Coach Jimmy Johnson ... and lots more I don't recognize (maybe you do recognize some ... you can find the date at the birthday-cohort link)
the ETERNAL Horoscope-dates

(and--if you or someone you know about has a birthday today
--please mention them (and how you know them or -know
 about them) in the comments, thanks)

My Heart of the Nation calendar says that we (Catholics) are celebrating Our Lady of Mount Carmel, with the clergy wearing White Vestments in the Optional Memorial (for her and/or for Blessed Virgin Mary ... Green Vestments otherwise)
